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Patrick Henningsen is an American writer, accredited journalist, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire, host of the SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show & podcast which broadcasts globally over the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR), and the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio International, and former co-host of the UK Column News TV program. His work has appeared in a number of international publications and on TV channels globally. Patrick has an MA in International Relations from the University of Plymouth in the UK, and over the last decade he has worked on the ground covering politics and global affairs in North America and Europe, as well as work in conflict zones in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon (Photo: taken in Aleppo, Syria 2017). See more at: www.patrickhenningsen.com

Document Analysis: Debunking Fake ‘DoD Iran FOIA Request’

21WIRE | It took us just 5 minutes of Google searching to discover this letter was a forgery.

Iran Missile Strikes: Beginning of a ‘New Middle East’?

21WIRE | Host Marwa Osman discusses what just happened and where it’s heading, with Patrick Henningsen for 21WIRE.

Trump’s Flip-Flop: ‘Imminent Threat’ Not Needed to Kill Soleimani, Only His ‘Horrible Past’

Patrick Henningsen | If the public allows the government to act lawlessly in overseas arenas, then it’s only a matter a time before this very same policy becomes normalized at home.

Esper Admits No Intelligence for Soleimani ‘Threat’, MSM Still Loyal to Iran Narrative

Patrick Henningsen | Trump has not drained the swamp, he’s merely re-organized it, for the Neocons.

Official ISIS Newspaper ‘Thanks God’ for Trump Killing Iran’s General Soleimani

Patrick Henningsen | Unfortunately, this bitter irony may take a bit longer to filter through into the collective consciousness of American society.

Trump Stands Down Against Iran, U.S. Still in Denial of the ‘New Middle East’

Patrick Henningsen | There’s a New Middle East taking shape, only it’s not exactly what Condoleezza had in mind.

UN Rapporteur: US Using Coercion By Torture Against Manning

21WIRE | The former US Army intelligence analyst has been jailed almost indefinitely to try and make her testify against Assange.

Trump’s Fatal Mistake in Iraq and Beginning of End for US Occupation

Patrick Henningsen | We now face the very real prospect of a multinational conflagration in the Middle East, including a direct confrontation with Iran.

Post-Truth World: An OPCW Cover-up, Shielded by MSM and Bellingcat

Patrick Henningsen | As this story continues to unravel, rather than face the truth, establishment gatekeepers have chosen to double down again.

WADA Sporting Ban is Part of West’s New Cold War Against Russia

Patrick Henningsen | This US-led move is part of West’s renewed Cold War – designed to isolate Russia internationally, and weaken the Putin government at home.

INTERVIEW: Dr Lissa Johnson on Perilous of Health of Julian Assange

21WIRE | Discussing the current perilous predicament of the WikiLeaks founder, facing a real risk of death in custody.

UN Syria Shenanigans, OPCW Email Leak, AFP #RussiaGate Fumble

UKC News | Now look who’s lecturing who on lying to the public about Syria.

65 Doctors Draft Open Letter Warning British Authorities Assange May Die in Detention

21WIRE | An international group of doctors have notified British authorities that the health of Julian Assange has reached a critical sage.

INTERVIEW: George Szamuely on UkraineGate and the Impeachment Circus

21WIRE | Never have we seen such a cast of shadowy characters and political operatives – all hell bent on reversing the result of the last general election.

The Stalinist Show Trial of Roger Stone

SUNDAY WIRE | It was one of the most abominable moments in the history of American justice, and hardly anyone noticed it.

Explained: What Trump Really Means By ‘Take the Oil’ in Syria

21WIRE.TV | Does the US really need this oil? Not really. So why the big photo-op?

Henningsen: New UK ‘Russia-Brexit Interference’ Report Will Flop, Distracts from Real Election Issues

21WIRE | The UK’s General Election campaign kicks off with a likely political circus, including a new ‘Russia’ narrative – driven by the usual suspects.

Review & Analysis: Syrian President al-Assad’s Recent Interview With Syrian and Alikhbaria TV Channels

Syria Times | President al-Assad’s recent television interview was comprehensive in its scope and came at a crucial juncture in Syria’s eight-year long conflict.

CN LIVE! Guest Patrick Henningsen on Why Assange Case Must Be Media’s Priority

CN LIVE! | As dark as this situation might appear to be, there are some signs emerging which give hope that justice may still prevail.

Henningsen: UK Election is About Brexit, But Economic Woes Won’t Go Away

BAMN | If the election were held today, the Tories would walk to victory, but a lot could happen in 6 weeks.

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