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Basil Valentine
Welcome to Basil Valentine's Archive of posts to 21st Century Wire. Check out his new Live Blog, "Basil Valentine's View From The Coast" here.

BASIL VALENTINE: ‘Perma-austerity’ and Society Turned Upside Down

Basil Valentine | The creeping fascism of our corporatist dystopia isn’t confined to shameless politicians and their war on the poor.

BASIL VALENTINE: Why Do UKIP & Scottish Independence So Terrify the Globalists?

Basil Valentine | Globalist hyperbole indicates paranoia, but why?

Princess Diana taken out by SAS hit squad: Cops probing latest ‘sensational’ claim by black-ops soldier

21WIRE + Mirror | Establishment are already running for cover, trying to spin away the latest claim that Diana was assassinated.

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