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UKC News: ‘Look Around – The Great Reset Has Already Begun’

The Great Reset is being engineered right before our eyes (those that are paying attention anyway). Technocrats and central banking cartels are hoping to ram through their plans for a cashless society trapping the public into a new Central Bank Digital Currency scheme, thus eliminating anonymity and independence of using cash forever. In other news, working Italians are now pushing back against their government’s ‘Green Pass’ (vaccine passport). Meanwhile, the Mainstream Media continues to collude with government and Big Pharma to disseminate ‘official’ fake news and misinformation regarding the safety and efficacy of the experiment Covid injections – including a new propaganda/gaslighting campaign designed to nudge pregnant women into taking the jab. Also, Europe continues to descend into energy chaos by way of failed ‘green’ energy debacle, with US and UK leading the effort to deny the EU full access to Russian gas. All this and more.

Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up. Watch: 

READ MORE GREAT RESET NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Great Reset Files




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