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Why Are Normal Americans Afraid to Confront the Radical Left?

People may remember the radical progressive Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) for her efforts to secure reparations payments for Black Americans. But many are not aware that that she has upped the ante on the culture wars.

She is now pushing to enact woke version of the Patriot Act. Her divisive proposal seeks to treat those suspected of displaying “white supremacy” (no definition has been given as to what that actually means) as the equivalent of a conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.

Last week, she introduced the Leading Against White Supremacy Act, a bill to supposedly “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime.”

This latest wild move from the Democratic Party comes at the same time as another unhinged proposal – San Francisco’s latest plan to pay the city’s black residents $5 million for alleged “oppression” in the past, and also forgive all of their debts.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson voices his concerns over Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s latest racist legislation, and why this may end up backfiring of her party’s authoritarian ambitions. Watch: 

READ MORE WOKE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Woke Files



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