In reaction to the recent leaked Supreme Court judicial opinion on overturning the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision, a growing number of left-leaning US corporations are attempting to get out in front of any impending official ruling by the court by offering to cover all travel expenses for employees who need to cross state lines to get an abortion.
If Roe vs Wade is overturned, then this means that the issue will be thrown back to the states for individual consideration regarding a number of aspects of abortion, including the definition of a “viable fetus.” This means that any resident of the state who wishes to side-step that particular state’s individual abortion regulations – will need to travel out of state to have their preferred ‘procedure’ done legally. In response to this issue, some high-profile US companies are already announcing they will be offering generous benefits to facilitate employee’s abortion.
Undoubtedly, the political and legal landscape on this issue is shifting, from federal to state abortion policy, led by states such as Alabama, Texas, Idaho, Florida and Oklahoma. As an example, Texas has sought to implement one of the country’s strictest abortion laws last November, when it announced it would ban abortions after only six weeks of pregnancy, and even deputized citizens to enforce the rule.
Once thing is certain though: this issue has reignited partisan politics in America.
Former Treasury official Monica Crowley weighs in with host Pete Hegseth on ‘woke’ US companies who are reportedly offering ‘abortion benefits’ to any current and future employees. Watch:
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