It’s official: Putin is taking Russian oil and gas off the dollar, and the euro too – and on to the Ruble, which could become one of many new world reserve currencies now. While NATO continues to expand its remit in politics and the economy, we ask a critical question: what makes a ‘just war’? Is Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine any more ‘illegal’ than the many US and UK wars waged over the previous 20 years, in places like Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia, to name a few? Does international law apply to everyone, or only to weaker nations? We also further break down the incredible spoof phone call to UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace by Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, and the strategic and intelligence implications of this major faux pas. All this and more.
Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up. Watch:
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