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Poland Set to Reject EU Climate Directive

‘Fit for 55’ is
the EU’s latest campaign for new targets of reducing ‘net’ greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030​. The proposed package hopes to bring EU legislation in line with this 2030 goal.

But technocrats in Brussels and Davos are now worried because not all EU countries appear to be on board with this new raft of authoritarian ‘green’ policies.

The Warsaw Voice reports…

Poland sees no option to support the European Union’s Fit for 55 climate policy package “in the current shape,” as it would excessive burden on households and businesses, cabinet spokesperson Piotr Mueller told public radio broadcaster PR 24.

“In the current shape it’s absolutely ruled out,” Mueller said when asked if Poland could support the package. “In the current shape this program would translate into heavy burden of additional fees for poorer and medium income persons, on Polish businesses.”

Poland is currently building a coalition of countries that seek to block some proposals, he noted.
Warsaw will get to know Court of Justice of the European Union ruling on the conditionality mechanism on February 16, CJEU said on Twitter. Poland and Hungary filed a complaint with CJEU about that European Union mechanism, claiming it links disbursement of EU funds to unspecified criteria for assessing a country’s rule of law observance.

Critics and opponents are not only limited to more traditional and conservative quarters, but also from greens themselves.

It seems that even the political left are waking up to the fact that what are being billed as ‘bio fuels’ are in fact reaping major destruction on the environment. One of Europe’s leading ‘bio fuels’ is actually wood chips. That’s right, wood.  This one seems to have escaped the ire of Greta Thunberg. It’s a lucrative loophole exploited by so-called ‘green’ power producers in order to take advantage of free government subsidies and cash through dubious carbon credit schemes.  Even the European Commission has backed down on a proposal to shift new ‘green fuels’ law towards non-liquid alternatives like electricity as part of its Fit for 55 program – despite 10 years of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) causing widespread deforestation, habitat loss, and so-called ‘biodiesel’ emissions overtaking traditional fossil-fuel diesel it was meant to replace. Other so-called “green” fuels are produced from disastrous cash crops such as palm oil.

As more EU governments wake up to the inconsistencies and pseudo-science behind the climate change movement, technocrats in Brussels and Davos may struggle to see the new world order become a reality in time for 2030.

READ MORE CLIMATE CHANGE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Climate Change Files



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