The Federal Reserve has become so powerful over the years that its originally intended roles have completely reversed. Will the Fed be able to steer the US and global economy through the coming financial apocalypse, or will it worsen the situation by using it to reconsolidate their own wealth and power?
Author G. Edward Griffin believes the Fed will morph into something completely unrecognizable where, “the government doesn’t control the banks, the banks control the government.” Griffin believes that most present-day cryptocurrency traders are not buying assets for currency, but simply for profits, saying that, “if there wasn’t a chance to make big money, I don’t think most people would be in the cryptocurrency market right now.”
Soon the Federal Reserve will create its own Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that will be internationally sanctioned, different than Bitcoin and private cryptos, says Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. Watch:
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