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Exposing the Vaccine Passport Technocracy

For months it was written off by establishment gatekeepers and politicians as a conspiracy theory – until it became policy. Quite clearly, this is a globalized system of total social, political and economic control – backed by a transnational oligarchy. It may be the most dangerous development to befall a free humanity in modern history. 

One of the key mechanisms for the globalist implementation of this new borderless control system is called the Commons Project, and its bio-surveillance and human tracking app called the Common Pass, created in partnership with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Bill Gates’ Microsoft.

host Del Bigtree talks with Amy Bohn, co-founder of PERK (perk-group.com), about globalist ties to China and the World Economic Forum, and California’s new Vaccine Passport infrastructure. Watch: 

READ MORE VACCINE PASSPORT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccine Passports Files




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