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Press TV Among Dozens of Websites Seized by US for ‘Iranian disinformation’

Earlier this week, the US Justice Department seized dozens of media websites, declared as “components of the government of Iran … disguised as news organizations” that “targeted the United States with disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations.”

Among the websites targeted for takedown was Press TV (click through to see Orwellian roadblock notice of seizure) – operating in the global media space for over a decade.

Shortly after the state-run Iranian media outlet’s .com was seized by the DOJ, the site was back online as presstv.ir.

Independent journalist and broadcaster Patrick Henningsen said in a statement, “This should be viewed as a provocation, to derail negotiations,” regarding the suspension of 33 websites of Islamic Radios and Televisions Union (IRTVU) members. Watch:

More on this story at Al Jazeera

READ MORE IRAN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Iran Files




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