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Epstein Guards Admit to Falsifying Records Surrounding Alleged Suicide

Officials in New York have now confirmed that the two US federal prison guards who were tasked with watching convicted jet-set pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who was on suicide watch at the time – have suddenly admitted to falsifying records pertaining to where they were during their guard duty shift.

Their bizarre admission points to, at the very least, a cover-up:

It is alleged they shopped online for furniture and motorcycles 15 feet from Epstein’s cell, and walked around the prison’s common area, rather than doing rounds every 30 minutes as required. They also both appeared to fall asleep during a two-hour period, according to the reported indictment.

Add to this, the unlikely coincidence that the CCTV cameras were somehow ‘accidentally erased,’ and therefore no footage of what actually happened when his assigned prison guards conveniently left their post. In other words: this has all the ingredients of a perfect cover-up.

So according to these two evidence points, no one can confirm whether or not Jeffrey Epstein actually committed suicide – nor whether he was, or was not murdered in his federal prison cell.

Bureau of Prisons workers Tova Noel, right, and Michael Thomas accused of ‘sleeping and browsing the internet’ instead of monitoring Epstein (Craig Ruttle/The Associated Press)

The Independent reports…

Prison officers guarding Jeffrey Epstein when he was found dead in a New York cell have admitted to falsifying records in a deal that will see them avoid jail time, according to the Associated Press.

Authorities said late on Friday that two Bureau of Prisons workers guarding Epstein the night he died in August 2019 would not face time behind bars on allegations of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring the disgraced financier.

Tova Noel and Michael Thomas would be subject to supervised release and 100 hours community service for lying on prison records to appear they had made all required checks on Epstein, according to a letter from federal prosecutors filed in court papers on Friday.

While Epstein’s death was ruled a suicide by New York City’s medical examiner, the circumstances leading up to his death – including constant monitoring of his cell – prompted questions on how he was able to take his life without being noticed.

As part of the plea deal, the two prison guards will be required to cooperate with the Justice Department’s probe into the death, AP reported.

In the letter to the court, prosecutors said the prison guards “admitted that they ‘wilfully and knowingly completed materially false count and round slips regarding required counts and rounds’”…

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