NOT ON DOMINION: A popular “I’m so gonna vote” election yard sign in Austin, TX.
We’ve now learned that recently embattled voting technology provider, Dominion Voting Systems, could not get certified by the State of Texas after failing to meet the state’s election standards for efficiency, accuracy, and safety from “fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation” – according to a report completed by the Office of the Secretary of State.
In the report, signed by Texas Deputy Secretary of State, Jose A. Esparza, the findings of several data communications experts and voting system examiners found Dominion’s “Democracy Suite 5.5-A” to be not “suitable for its intended purpose”:
The examiner reports identified multiple hardware and software issues that preclude the Office of the Texas Secretary of State from determining that the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system satisfies each of the voting-system requirements set forth in the Texas Election Code. Specifically, the examiner reports raise concerns about whether the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is suitable for its intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation. Therefore, the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system and corresponding hardware devices do not meet the standards for certification prescribed by Section 122.001 of the Texas Election Code.

Dominion’s ImageCast Precinct Tabulator Bin
The voting and tabulation machines made by Dominion caused problems and raised doubts about the accuracy of 2020 election results in at least two key swing states, Michigan and Georgia, according to multiple reports.
Antrim County, Michigan, traditionally a Republican stronghold, had the Democrat, Joe Biden, beating Donald Trump by roughly 3,000 votes – inaccurately reported while using Dominion’s technology, and later corrected by election officials, eventually netting Trump a 2,500 vote advantage in the final results.
In Georgia, other ‘glitches’ stopped voting in both Morgan and Spaulding Counties – caused by a software update that was uploaded to voting machines the day before the election. Gwinnett County also experienced delays in reporting voting results due to a ‘software issue‘ with machines counting absentee ballots.
Dominion is also facing political scrutiny for its support of Democratic Party aligned organizations, including the Clinton Foundation, donating to it in 2014 and also partnering with it for The DELIAN Project – a transnational voting technology initiative valued at over $2 million.
A full breakdown of the voting system examinations conducted by the State of Texas on Dominion software and hardware can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.
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