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San Francisco’s COVID Laws Trigger ‘Mass Exodus’ of Residents and Businesses

IMAGE: California Governor Gavin Newsom, wearing his signature black mask in public, has brushed off warnings that his state is nearing financial collapse due to extreme lockdown policies.

Not since the Great Depression of the 1930’s has America suffered such severe economic depression. One of the hardest hit areas has been the retail sector, and specifically those in cities where local governments have issued a relentless raft of draconian ‘lockdown’ and ‘social distancing’ measures – supposedly to contain the conronavirus, even though it has already been shown that such extreme measures have virtually no effect whatsoever on the progression of viral spread.

For one reason or another, it seems these ‘pandemic’ policies have been especially harsh in cities and states run by Democratic Party leadership – who seem to be more inclined towards extreme health and safety policies than their Republican counterparts.

Under the command of the California’s radical Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, cities like San Francisco have been especially hard hit by mayoral orders, forcing thousands of businesses to close their doors on the mere suspicion of a ‘pandemic’ even as no evidence has been produced to validate the climate of fear mass hysteria being actively promoted by increasingly authoritarian politicians.

SEE ALSO: Why is Everyone Leaving CALIFORNIA, Where Are They Leaving To?

As a result of the mismanagement and reactionary policies, thousands of residents are now leaving San Francisco – in search of better living conditions elsewhere. Faced with an already over-inflated and overpriced city economy, working residents have had little choice but to reconsider this once popular city’s viability going forward.

YouTube commentator Nerdrotic explains how his family has ‘made their escape from San Francisco’, and even leaving California all together after seeing 56% of the city’s storefronts (small businesses) forced out of business by ‘public health’ policies enforced by state and city authorities – including his wife’s own successful local business. Watch:

READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID Files




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