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BOILER ROOM: The COVID ‘Global Cities’ Agenda with Patrick Henningsen and Mark Anderson

BOILER ROOM – On this episode HESHER (alternatecurrentradio.com) is joined by PATRICK HENNINGSEN of 21WIRE (21stcentrywire.com) and MARK ANDERSON (thetruthhound.com) to discuss the globalist and internationalist “Global Cities” agenda being accelerated under the guise of the COVID-19 crisis, and underpinned by a series of tyrannical executive orders of many of the Mayors and Governors in the United States. The agenda depends on subversion of the US Constitution and suspension of the democratic process, with the origin of the “new” powers being wielded by Fourth Industrial Revolution corporate evangelists, Silicon Valley moguls and establishment pop-up controlled opposition groups like Extinction Rebellion and backed by UN Agenda 21/2030 presently being rapidly advanced now by confabs like the World Economic Forum in the name of COVID-19. A deep dive into the Global Cities initiative. All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM. Enjoy the show!

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