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‘Imperialism on Trial’ tour in Northern Ireland March 19th and 21st

Night One aired LIVE on Tuesday, March 19th on the RT UK Facebook livestream.

This event featured a lineup of 6 speakers for 20 minutes each, including Patrick Henningsen, followed by a Q&A panel.

For tour updates, visit 21WIRE’s Twitter or Facebook.

Thank you for watching!


21st Century Wire

‘The State’ on March 19th in Belfast

Next week, the Imperialism on Trial tour comes to Belfast, Northern Ireland, and will include an impressive line-up of speakers, including two former British Ambassadors, a former British soldier, an Irish Republican writer, and a veteran CIA analyst – each presenting their own analysis of world events, and interrogating the role played at home and abroad – by western powers. 

The theme of the event will be, “The State – Government, Foreign Office, Intelligence Agencies, Military & Propaganda,” and will take place on Tuesday March 19, at the Balmoral Hotel in Belfast. Speakers will include Craig Murray (former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan), Peter Ford (former UK Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain), Danny Morrison (Writer and Poet), Ray McGovern (retired CIA analyst), Mike Pike (former British soldier, Veterans for Peace), and Patrick Henningsen (journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire). Presentations will be followed by a panel Q & A session.

Presentations and panel discussions will cover the New Cold War between NATO member states and Russia, conflicts in the Middle East including Syria, Yemen and Iraq, as well as recent events in Venezuela and Central America.

Event organiser Gregory Sharkey believes this latest installment of the series will be the best yet. “Having had six previous ‘Imperialism on Trial’ events, three of which were livestreamed internationally, we’ve decided to do something a little more dynamic in terms of the theme and have assembled a line-up where each speaker will be able to offer something unique in relation to different aspects of the state, its partnered interests, and how this affects all of us,” says Sharkey.

He adds, “Our hope is that this line-up will provide our live audience, and online viewers too, with a comprehensive understanding of how various state agencies work to further the interests of a Neoliberal and Imperialist agenda for global hegemony.”


Second Event in Derry on Thursday March 21st

In addition to this event, Imperialism on Trial will also be host a second event ‘Fake News – Establishment Media & War On Journalism’ which will take place at the Guildhall, Derry, on Thursday March 21.A former UK Ambassador, and a former CIA Analyst will be joined by three journalists as they discuss the role of the establishment media, and the demonization and censoring of alternative outlets and voices.

As the mainstream media beat the war drums and target independent countries for regime change; the alternative media act as a counter-balance, presenting an opposing narrative. In recent times, we have seen trust in the mainstream media decline drastically; while more and more seek their information from alternative sources. This is not just about loss of revenue, but more importantly for the hearts and minds of the public. While Donald Trump may have popularised the term ‘Fake News’, journalists, academics and activists, have been calling out the establishment media in their promotion of imperialism, for many years before he ever threw his hat in the ring, politically. Some of the topics that will be covered at the event will include: ‘Russiagate’- allegations of Russian meddling, hacking and collusion with Trump; False narrative on the war on Syria; The Magnitsky Act; Iran, Saudi Arabia, and what’s not been reported on Yemen; Venezuela, and the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes); Media & false consciousness, and the ‘manufacturing of consent.’

The speakers will include Craig Murray (former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Ray McGovern (veteran CIA analyst), Patrick Henningsen (21st Century Wire) Catherine Shakdam (writer & commentator), John Wight (journalist & global affairs analyst), Plus another speaker TBC

Tickets for either event are £5 online here at EVENT BRITE OR £5 at the door.

READ MORE IMPERIALISM NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Imperialism Files




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