CONSPIRACY THEORIST? Even British Prime Minster Theresa May cannot get her story straight.
In the last two weeks, the public has learned a new and exciting Russian word: “Novichok,” translated as newcomer in English. Seemingly overnight, western media operatives and politicians have become veritable experts on obscure Soviet-era chemical weapons. The British government and its mainstream media arms are all but certain that this rare and unproven Soviet-era nerve agent is the same substance which poisoned former USSR-UK double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.
To date, no one in the western media and in politics, aside from UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had the courage to step forward and challenge the official conspiracy theory. Corbyn warned against ‘rushing to judgement’ without any evidence being presented. The Labour leader also warned about Theresa May’s own reckless lack of British diplomacy over the Skripal case which could lead to a “McCarthyite intolerance of dissent.”
As it turns out, Corbyn is correct, as evidenced by the open slander and libel being carried out by UK newspapers like Daily Mail and others:
Despite all of the wild rhetoric coming out of Westminster, Downing Street’s public statements regarding the actual event have been vague. Oddly, British Prime Minister Theresa May doesn’t seem to know what happened either, as she immediately muddied her own waters – hedging her bets by claiming the alleged ‘chemical attack’ was either “a direct action” by Moscow, or that the Russia government somehow “loss of control” of “its potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent.”
To date, no actually evidence has been presented to the OPCW by British authorities, although anecdotal and speculative theories have been aired in the press and at the UNSC.
May then went on to give Moscow only a 24 hour ultimatum to provide a “credible response” to her government’s official conspiracy theory.
Meanwhile, the British government’s spectacular ‘Novichok’ narrative continues to fall apart.
RT International reports…
The ‘Novichok’ nerve agent allegedly used in the Sergei Skripal attack likely came from a country were Russian chemists were taken after the Soviet Union collapsed to continue their research, Russia’s OPCW envoy told RT.
“As for ‘Novichok,’ there was never a scientific program under such a codename in the Russian Federation,” Alexander Shulgin, Russia’s permanent representative at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said. “However, in Soviet times, research began to produce a new generation of poisonous substances. Such research was carried out not only in the USSR, but also in the US.”
As the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s, foreign “special services took a group of scientists… with the research that existed since the Soviet times” out of the country so that they could go on with their studies of poisonous substances, he said.
We know the exact countries where such work continued, achieving certain success,” Shulgin said, without naming any. “The positive results of those studies can now be found in open sources.”
“Therefore, we can assume that the source of the substance used [against Skripal] in Salisbury is concealed in one of the countries where this research continued and achieved certain success,” the Russian envoy said.
SEE ALSO: Who actually poisoned the Skripals? These are some of the top theories

Cashing in: Book sales have exploded for the US-based defector Vil Mirzayanov.
Russian chemist Vil Mirzayanov, whose claims of Russian complicity have now been widely circulated in Western media, was among those scientists who left Russia and continued their work abroad, Shulgin said. Mirzayanov, who currently lives in the US, was the first to disclose the existence of the ‘Novichok’ nerve agent to the public in a 1992 article. When the Skripal crisis erupted, he said on Facebook that the ‘Novichok’ formula had only been published in his book ‘State Secrets: An Insider’s Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program,’ and alleged that only Russia could’ve used such a nerve agent to attack Skripal.
‘UK is afraid we’ll find a catch in their case’
Shulgin also said that there’s currently no dialogue between the Russian and the UK delegations on the Skripal issue at the OPCW headquarters in The Hague. “We’ve made them an offer to start bilateral consultations, but they refuse; also declining to provide any samples to us.”
“Judging by the statement of the head of the British delegation, they view our offer on bilateral consultations as a distraction… as if by proposing those consultations Russia wants to drag out this whole thing and avoid responsibility,” the envoy said.
My guess is that our British partners are afraid that, should our experts examine those samples, they will discover some catch in this whole case. And our British partners have absolutely no interest in that.”
“Moreover, we warned them that we’re ready for a meaningful dialogue, but only if the British side backs its accusations against us with convincing proof. In case nothing is presented to us… we’ll proceed from the fact that Britain has nothing and in this case it would have to be held accountable for slander,” he said.
Former Russian-UK double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were discovered slumped on a bench in Salisbury in early March. They remain in critical condition in a hospital after being exposed to what UK authorities said was a Soviet-era nerve agent called Novichok.
This led to UK Prime Minister Theresa May accusing Russia of using chemical weapon on British soil and imposing sanctions against Moscow. The Russian side has denied any involvement in the Skripal poisoning and promised to come up with appropriate countermeasures to the British restrictions. Moscow also said it was ready to cooperate with London on investigating the incident, but the UK refused to work with Russia or provide it with any materials of the case.
READ MORE SKRIPAL NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Skripal Files