It’s been said that truth is always the first casualty in war. The mystery of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in July 2014 continues to be an unresolved international issue. Over three years later, the two countries meant to be leading a ‘neutral’ international investigation, the Netherlands and UK, have repeatedly sidelined important information about the incident.
In the immediate aftermath of the event, 21WIRE was one of the only independent media outlets who pieced together a detailed look at the event, highlighting some of the obvious anomalies and misreporting by the western mainstream media, as well as numerous false claims made by US officials. See our initial reports here:
July 2014 – Initial Investigative Summary:
MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag
In our two-year anniversary follow-up report, we demonstrated that not only was MH17 shot down from Ukrainian military-controlled area, but that it wasn’t an accident, in other words, the plane was placed on its said course directly in the line of fire:
July 2016 – Further Review of Findings:
MH17 Two Years On: What Really Happened and Why
This week a development has surfaced, one which exposes the malfeasance of the western-led international investigation. It seems that Russia has handed Dutch investigators important evidence of primary radar data which covers the flight zone at the exact time of the incident. Incredibly, the Dutch have decided to it file away and out of sight, not to be included in their final investigation. The reason for this is because this Russian data demonstrates that an anti-aircraft battery was fired from inside Ukrainian army-held territory in eastern Ukraine. A inconvenient truth?
This is only the beginning. Expect more cover-ups and misdirection from western authorities – who are keen to obscure any new evidence which threatens their predetermined narrative on the downing of MH17…
Cockpit reconstruction of Flight MH17 (Image Source: RT)
In late August Russia handed over decoded radar data to the Netherlands from the aerial zone where Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down on July 17, 2014. These materials had initially been provided in their original, i.e., non-decoded form, along with the software needed to decode them.
However, the Dutch investigators, despite being armed with the latest in modern technology as well as the assistance of their British colleagues, were not able to decode the recordings, and in the end they asked Russian experts to do it. In three years this has been the only time they have asked to collaborate. Never before had the commission accepted any Russian offers of assistance.
The decoded recordings clearly showed that the missile had been fired from the zone controlled by the Ukrainian military. And this is not some fabricated story concocted by journalists, but documented, technical information.
However, every sign seems to indicate that the decoded information obtained from Russia will not be included in the case file, but will instead face the fate of so much other data that does not fit neatly into the preferred version of the investigation. It will probably just fall into a black hole, which is what happened to the photos of the tragedy that were taken by American spy satellites.
In the meantime however, it will not be easy for the investigators to stick to their prescribed approach to the investigation. Independent experts are conscientiously suggesting new avenues of inquiry that could help move the process along.
For example, since all of the Ukrainian army’s existing launch sites for its Buk-M1 missile-defense system can be accounted for and examined by the commission, it would be a simple enough matter to establish whether at least one of them was used to fire the missile. An inspection of the 60 existing launch sites within this system is both physically possible and could provide some surprising information. The launch of a Buk-M1 missile leaves indelible “burns” on the ramp that cannot be concealed, even under a new coat of paint. Although that would seem to be a very simple suggestion, it’s a significant one.
Kees van der Pijl, a Dutch professor in the Department of International Relations at the University of Sussex and the president of the NGO The Committee of Vigilance Against Resurgent Fascism, recently finished writing a book titled “The Launch: Flight MH17, Ukraine and New Cold War” (Der Abschuss: Flug MH17, die Ukraine und der neue Kalte Krieg). The German-language version of the book will go on sale later this month, and the English original and Portuguese translation will be available by the end of the year.
Professor van der Pijl examines the tragedy from a geopolitical perspective and asks: who benefited most from this disaster? And he answers: the US, which subsequently imposed sanctions against Russia, undermining its gas industry and checking its growing role on the international stage...
Continue this story at Oriental Review
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