21st Century Wire says…
As Obama does the rounds at the G8 alongside the other state backers of Syrian terrorists, US ally Saudi Arabia and the Bush’s family friend, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, has been allowed to come out of the closet announcing that al Qaeda have joined forces with the Saudi terror outfit to topple the nation of Syria.
Enter the newest terrorist conclave known as the “Al Nusra Front,” aka Al Qaeda of Syria.
No more hiding that fact any more..
PHOTO: Saudi Prince Bandar at the ranch with George Bush Jr.
So does this signal a new US policy of bringing al Qaeda into Washington’s new foreign policy fold? For those in the know, al Qaeda are nothing more than modern-day privateers and have always been in the pocket of the CIA.
That said, we can now expect Washington, London, Paris, Saudi and Qatar talking points to be as follows:
“Their thinking is ‘let’s deal with the problem right now of deposing the regime, and then take care of these rogue, radical elements later when we have international support’…
“For now, they need them. When everything is over, there’s going to be a huge fight over basically all of Syria.”
Meanwhile, Obama and Cameron are still pretending in public that they have no sway over the terrorists in Syria, even though they are funding and supporting them directly, and through proxies like Qatar. Do we need any more proof that this is a criminal enterprise?
Jihadist rebel group in Syria Al-Nusra announces it has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s Iraq branch to form a dominant militant force in the fight against President Bashar Assad’s regime.
Abhat al-Nusra officially announced that it was a part of the al-Qaeda branch, known as the Islamic State of Iraq, in a 21-minute video posted on a militant website.
Together the two groups will be known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The Levant is the traditional name referring to the region from southern Turkey to Egypt on the eastern Mediterranean.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, said: “It is time to announce to the Levantine people and the whole world that Jabhat al-Nusra is merely an extension and part of the Islamic State of Iraq.”
Read more: Syria’s Descent – the jihadist groups ‘running the show’ in Syria
He also said the Iraqi group was providing half of its budget to the conflict in Syria, and that Jabhat al-Nusra would not have a separate leader but instead be led by the “people of Syria themselves” – implying that he would be in charge in both countries.
Abu Mohammad al-Golani, leader of al-Nusra, said “the sons of Nusra Front renew their pledge (of allegiance)” to Jihad Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaeda’s worldwide leader.
Extremist rebels
The announcement comes two days after the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, urged Islamic fighters in Syria to unite in their efforts to oust Assad.
Al-Nusra is one of a number of extremist rebel groups fighting against government forces, which has been of concern to Western powers.
The US and her European allies have tried to counter the rise of the extremist groups, such as al-Nusra, by supporting groups deemed to be more moderate, which have formed the Syrian National Coalition.
This support has included helping to coordinate shipments of new weapons to rebel groups, and providing training in Jordan.
“For now, they need them. When everything is over, there’s going to be a huge fight over basically all of Syria”. – Bilal Saab, Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis
It has been suspected for some time that al-Nusra was working with al-Qaeda and late last year the US placed al-Nusra on its list of terrorist organisations.
Syria will be at the top of the agenda for foreign ministers arriving in London today for a two-day G8 summit.
Military success
However, it is al-Nusra that has had arguably some of the most devastating impact on the government regime. It has a strong presence in the north eastern provincial capital of Raqqa pictured, below, now under rebel control, and has captured large parts of the Daraa province.
Al-Nusra has also claimed responsibility for a large number of suicide bomb attacks against government buildings in cities such as Aleppo and Damascus, and has captured a number of important military bases….
(…) “Their thinking is ‘let’s deal with the problem right now of deposing the regime, and then take care of these rogue, radical elements later when we have international support’,
“For now, they need them. When everything is over, there’s going to be a huge fight over basically all of Syria.”
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