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Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Economics needn’t be so confusing to the non-Havard MBA grad. In short, this little animated cartoon sequence explains what the US Federal Reserve Bank is up to and how we got here- a highly educational animated segment…

The cryptic economic policy known as “Quantitative Easing” is outlined here:

Of course, Quantitative Easing is simply running the US money printing press on overtime, an action which will ultimately reduce the value of the US dollar and re-position it for a new and dangerous inflationary cycle. You might ask yourself, “Why should anyone be concerned with macro economic policy?”

Keep asking yourself that question when your weekly wage cheque is no longer worth the paper it’s printed on…

Special thanks for this story to newshound and 21st Century Wire researcher Victor Hernandez, he is also founder of www.web-trafficschool.com (don’t forget the dash).



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