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In Your Face: CNN Segment on Libya Entitled “New World Order”

Kurt Nimmo


March 30, 2011

The clip features the usual NWO suspects, including Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003; former U.S. rep Jane Harman, soon to be the boss of the globalist training center, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; the neocon Robert Kagan, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a PNAC co-founder, and the neocon and former CIA director under Clinton, James Woolsey, who is a self-described “Joe Lieberman Democrat” (meaning he advocates bombing small and defenseless Muslim countries) who is also a PNAC supporter and former member of the CIA-infested “Freedom House” (an Orwellian term – it should be called the “Color Revolution House”).

 Usual NWO suspects argue about six and one half dozen of the other, aka “regime change”:

READ MORE LIBYA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Libya Files



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