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Understanding Europe’s Phony ‘Second Wave’

Indeed, something very strange is happening in Europe and the UK with regards to the much hyped “Second Wave” of the novel coronavirus ‘pandemic’ which governments and mainstream media have been saying is inevitable now for 6 months.

The so-called ‘experts’ all seem to be aloof and baffled by the paradox on display – a  huge second wave of so-called cases’ (people who have tested PCR positive for coronavirus), but with only a few hospitalizations, and absolutely no increase in deaths.

So how then can we rightly call it a ‘pandemic’? How can governments justify even more draconian laws and regulations?

Sky News host Andrew Bolt speaks with Dr Soo Aleman, Associate Professor at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, to discuss the her research concerning T-cells and also rates of potential immunity among the general population.

READ MORE COVID-19 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID Files




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