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SUNDAY SCREENING: Yemen: The War That Never Ends (2021)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

After seven years of war, there is no end in sight to the suffering in Yemen. In this film reporting on the situation in the north-west of Yemen, presently held by the Houthis. 21 million people live in this enclave. There, since 2015, a dirty war has been going on out of sight. Sana’a, North of Yemen. One of the most inaccessible places on the planet. For the past six years, Ansar Allah, a political and military movement created by powerful families from the North, has seized control. But Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are determined to reinstall the ousted Yemeni president. They see the Houthi rebels, who belong to the Zaydist branch of Islam, as heretics who pose a threat to Wahhabism. When the Obama Administration started the war on Yemen in March 2015, few could have envisioned it would still be going 9 years later. Watch:

Run time: 58 mins
Directed by Nicolas Jaillard & Guillaume Dasquié
Production: TV Presse


READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen Files





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