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UKC News: Robocops, AP WWIII Fake News Fallout and Truth About Q Club Mass Shooting

Will police forces in the US and UK be deploying autonomous robot anytime soon, and will they be licensed to use deadly force? The lawyers certainly think so. Also, the incredible fake news story put out by AP about alleged Russian missiles landing in Poland (which turned out to be Ukrainian missiles) is still reaping the backlash, and leaked internal messages from AP reveal how wrong, naive and irresponsibly AP journalists and editors really were. In the US, the latest mass shooting took which place at a Colorado gay club had immediately triggered a media-driven politicized narrative of ‘right-wing hate crime against the LGBT community’ – but we dig deeper to discover that the knee-jerk MSM partisan narrative is completely wrong. All this and much more. 

Mike RobinsonPatrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley with the end of week news round-up. Watch: 

The UK’s premier alternative media news program with hosts Mike Robinson, Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen, David Scott and Alex Thomson. Watch the UK Column News LIVE every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1pm UK time at www.ukcolumn.org/live or watch live on Rumble.

Also, watch all news programs later at their archive here.

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