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UKC News: A Nuke False Flag in Ukraine?

As the various parties involved in NATO’s Ukrainian proxy war against Russia trade various threats and retaliatory statements, it’s very likely that the western powers are preparing for a major false flag in Ukraine – mostly likely the errand deployment of a tactical nuclear weapon. Any such incident would immediately be blamed on Russia by the G7 governments and their media. All this and much more.  

Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen, with Vanessa Beeley and Iain Davis, for the end of week news round-up. Watch:

The UK’s premier alternative media news program with hosts Mike Robinson, Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen, David Scott and Alex Thomson. Watch the UK Column News LIVE every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1pm UK time at www.ukcolumn.org/live or watch live on Rumble.

Also, watch all news programs later at their archive here.


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