Summer is here, and that can only mean one thing: the climate crazies are out in force. As the climate gravy train continues to flounder in the face of empirical reality, activists are getting increasingly desperate, as they try and conjure new shock-value headlines in order to sell their globalist agenda. According to the head cleric of the church of anthropogenic global warming, heretic ‘climate deniers’ can be compared to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who stood idly outside as the children were being massacred.
Yes, he actually said that…
Former vice president turned climate pontiff, Al Gore, has compared ‘climate change denialism’ to the gross inaction of dozens of law enforcement officers who failed to respond to the massacre of 19 children and two teachers at a school in Uvalde, Texas.
Gore laid into end times skeptic, as he screeched during an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, “Climate deniers are really in some ways similar to almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred – they heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, and nobody stepped forward.”
“And God bless those families who have suffered so much … Law enforcement officials tell us that’s not typical of what law enforcement usually does,” added the climate justice warrior.
“Confronted with this global emergency, what we’re doing with our inaction, and failing to walk through the door and stop the killing, is not typical of what we’re capable of as human beings.”
Apparently, some 19 officers stood for over an hour, both outside and in the school’s hallways, waiting for ‘more reinforcements’ as an 18-year-old deranged gunman shot up the school, even as students called 911 begging for police to intervene. According to the state’s recent report released last week, the police failure in Uvalde was said to be the result of a “void of leadership.”
Gore, who lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush, said Americans must unify to respond to the climate crisis. “Confronted with this global emergency, what we’re doing with our inaction and failing to walk through the door and stop the killing is not typical of what we are capable of as human beings,” he said.
It’s no surprise how each summer, the same politicians seize on seasonal hot weather in order to advance ‘climate change’ rhetoric and crippling economic policies. Gore, who was Vice President under former President Bill Clinton, claims that so-called ‘extreme weather events’ (ie. regularly occurring seasonal weather) is somehow “really beginning to change minds.”
Gore, 74, has managed to amass an estimated $300 million fortune on the back of his climate campaigning since leaving elected office, largely through ‘green washing’ of corporate indulgence payments, and massive ‘green’ government subsidies for the firms in his investment fund, Generation Investment Management.
Aside from claiming the US east coast would be underwater by 2012, Gore has made a number of wild claims about the alleged threat of man-made global warming (aka climate change), such as predicting that the northern polar ice cap would disappear by 2013, and that the world would reach a “point of no return” by 2016 if radical green policies weren’t adopted by all the world’s governments.
READ MORE CLIMATE CHANGE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Climate Change Files

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