Authoritarians in the UK government are getting increasingly desperate to push through their ‘Online Harms’ legislation for the regulation of online speech – a truly Orwellian program of thought crime enforcement by the current Tory government. In France, the opposition stopped Macron’s Vaccine Passport (Pass Sanitaire), potentially sidelining pandemic plans for this winter. Meanwhile, western media and globalist organizations like the WHO are seeding the media with reports that a new Covid variant is somehow on the loose and that we all need to prepare for ‘the next pandemic’ this fall and winter. All this and more.
Co-hosts Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen, Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley present the end of week news round-up. Watch:
Correction note from Patrick: “I misspoke on French segment, Le Pen’s party did not abstain on No Confidence vote, there was no ‘no confidence’ vote, it was a vote to censure the Government. Had all parties voted, it would have potentially brought Macron down.”
The UK’s premier alternative media news program with hosts Mike Robinson, Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen, David Scott and Alex Thomson. Watch the UK Column News LIVE every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1pm UK time at or watch live on Rumble.
Also, watch all news programs later at their archive here.

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