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What Does International Quds Day Mean for Palestine and the World?

International Quds Day is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan, as part of an initiative by the Islamic Republic of Iran to rally support for the Palestinian cause, and in opposition to Israel’s ongoing illegal occupation and systematic ethnic cleansing.

Since the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, there has been a clear basis of support in Tehran for the Palestinian cause and its main axis, which is Al Quds, the Holy City (Jerusalem). Each year, Iran and other Arab nations have been able to reiterate the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the central concern of the Palestinian cause, and the firm belief that the only just solution for the perpetual conflict between Arabs and the Zionist Israeli project is the ending of the illegal occupation, and the return of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty. Undoubtedly, this is a most contentious issue for Israel and its sponsors in Washington DC, both of whom are committed to maintaining their grip on the Holy City and other illegally occupied land stolen by Israel from Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. However, the tide of global opinion seems to have turned irreversibly in recent years, as the world increasingly rejects Israel’s extreme ethno-nationalist and brutal apartheid state.

To discuss this issue, PressTV host Marwa Osman speaks with Robert Carter and 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen. Watch: 


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