As the Battle of Mariupol comes to its predictable close at the infamous Azovstal Plant, it’s becoming more obvious (to those who are actually paying attention) that Russia is far and away winning in Ukraine. Still, politicians and media mavens who reside in NATO nations are still in denial of the facts on the ground, and prefer to continue bankrupting their own countries’ economies by imposing punitive sanctions against Russia (sanctions which are wrecking western economies), and pumping endless weapons and military equipment into western Ukraine and into the hands of Nazi brigades – despite the fact that Kiev has no chance of winning and even may end up losing more territory the longer they follow Zelensky’s theatrical heroism. Many have breathed a sigh of relief after Chilean-American pundit Gonzalo Lira turned up alive in Ukraine today. Also, the UK’s government-media complex are upset by the work of Graham Phillips, a British independent journalist who is filming on the ground in Ukraine – so much so that one vengeful British MP is accusing the reporter of war crimes and threatening to revoke his British citizenship upon his return. Also, the CDC is trying to overturn this week’s US federal repeal of the ridiculous mask mandate on public transport and airlines. Of course, Lord Fauci approves. All this and more.
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