Last year the Prince William County School Superintendent in Virginia claimed “her hands were tied” by then-governor Northam’s mask mandate for students. Unfortunately, this story has been all too common over the past two years. Rather than stand up for the students, the heavily politicized education profession, under pressure from radical teachers unions, decided to punish the children – stunting their personal development – in order to make the adults feel safe.
Watch as Virginia mom Merianne Jensen calls out the hypocrisy of elected leaders, public health officials, and corrupt school administrators – all of whom have been hiding behind a wall of lies and misinformation about the threat posed by COVID-19, and pushing needless experimental vaccines on the children.
The Blaze writes…
A Virginia mother delivered a rousing speech where she blasted her child’s school board over its mask mandate that she deemed to be “blatant political theater.”
Merianne Jenson ripped the Prince William County School Board to shreds for continuing to force young students to wear masks.
“I know there are many educators who want to protect children,” Jenson calmly began her address. “This goal is not different from my own. Our implementation preferences may differ, but we want the same thing: to get through COVID without harm.”
“Unfortunately, politics leads us to believe there is only one solution – masks,” Jenson said. “Yet thousands of schools around the country have been open during the entire pandemic without masks and no corresponding rise in serious illness.”
“There were not child coffins lined up as some educators in this county suggested would be the case,” the impassioned mother declared. “In fact, things have been going pretty much as normal. Kids are getting sick despite wearing masks. We are forcing healthy children home for ‘exposure’ despite them wearing masks. And we are segregating children by vaccination status and religious exemption status despite the wearing of masks.”
READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID Files

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