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5G Signal Poses Threat to Passenger Airliners – But Telecoms Giants Don’t Care

While US corporate giants like AT&T and Verizon push ahead with their 5G roll-out, airlines are now warning about one very dangerous side effect of the largely untested technology. As it turns out, the new 5G C-band signal interferes with modern passenger airplanes which rely on a radio altimeters to calculate their altitude above the ground in dangerous low visibility conditions.

Initially, the FAA instructed some 6,834 airplanes not to use this basic landing instrument because certain airports are plagued with interference from the new 5G signals.

Now the US Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) is asks Verizon and AT&T to delay their new ‘mid-band’ 5G roll-out near any ‘priority’ airports.

Telecommunications giants seem uninterested in the risks and dangers are accusing the government of jeopardising the ‘global competitiveness.’ of their monopoly.

Both Verizon and AT&T have gone on the attack against safety regulators, publishing a joint letter in The Wall Street Journal, calling any safety delays “an unprecedented and unwarranted circumvention of the due process and checks and balances carefully crafted in the structure of our democracy, [and] an irresponsible abdication of the operating control required to deploy world-class and globally competitive communications networks that are every bit as essential to our country’s economic vitality, public safety and national interests as the airline industry.”

This is possibly the height of corporate corruption – a clear case of profits and Google-driven tech taking precedence over safety.

PG Magazine reports…

The administration fears that C-band would interfere with altimeters. But AT&T and Verizon say they’ll only agree to ‘alter’ their plans for six months, not halt them entirely.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has asked Verizon and AT&T to delay the introduction of C-band service, which promises to offer 5G experiences that are noticeably better than 4G, around “priority airports” due to ongoing concerns about the potential impact on altimeters.

Altimeters measure an aircraft’s current altitude. Interfering with that information could make landing a plane during inclement weather more dangerous. The FAA is tasked with making flight as safe as possible, so it wants to determine if C-band deployments could endanger flyers.

As for why Verizon, AT&T, and other companies are interested in C-band: The goal is to introduce 5G networks that can outperform LTE across large distances. Many existing 5G networks, especially in the US, are forced to choose between performance and range.

The administration previously asked Verizon and AT&T to delay their C-band rollout from Dec. 5 to Jan. 5. The companies agreed, but on Dec. 31, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and FAA Administrator Steve Dickson asked for more time to evaluate C-band’s safety implications.

“Under this framework,” the duo says, “commercial C-band service would begin as planned in January with certain exceptions around priority airports. The FAA and the aviation industry will identify priority airports where a buffer zone would permit aviation operations to continue safely while the FAA completes its assessments of the interference potential around those airports”…

Continue this report at PC Mag

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