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Fauci: ‘You May Need a Covid Booster Every Six Months’

Since the so-called ‘global pandemic’ was announced in early 2020, Big Pharma-funded mainstream media has managed to convince millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. He is anything but. His criminality and career-long fraud has since been exposed in graphic detail by author Robert F Kennedy Jr in his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci has used $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research to promote, buy-off, muzzle, censor, or cancel any scientist or doctor in America who is working on any research which might be consequential to Big Pharma’s bottom line and elite interests. In this way, Dr Fauci has acted as the personal gatekeeper for a powerful transnational pharmaceutical drug cartel.

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Now “America’s Doctor” is telling citizens they may need to line up for a new experimental GMO gene therapy booster every 6 months.

Will this be a permanent policy? When will it end?

How, in such a short space of time, did America arrive at this level of outright corporate corruption and medical apartheid?

Ramon Tomey from Pandemic.news writes…

Top U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci is proposing to inject every eligible American with Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine boosters every six months. He shared this idea during a recent interview with the ABC program “This Week.”

“We would hope – and this is something we are looking at very carefully – that the third [mRNA vaccine] shot … not only will boost you way up, but increases the durability so that you will not necessarily need it every six months or a year,” he said.

“We’re hoping it pushes out more. If it doesn’t and the data show we do need it more often, then we’ll do it.”

Fauci expressed the same sentiment toward booster shots when he spoke to Business Insider. “Make it really simple: If you had a primary vaccination, get a booster. Right now, don’t make it complicated,” he said.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director expressed hope that booster shots for all adult Americans will help keep people away from hospitalizations and deaths caused by COVID-19. “The effect of [injecting boosters] is very, very favorable to preventing people from getting infected,” he said.

“We have got to get almost everybody who’s gotten the primary vaccination regimen … to get them all boosted. Even though for the most part, the vaccines absent the boost protect quite well – particularly among younger people – against hospitalization.”

However, Fauci’s remarks conflicted with the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The public health agency only recommended booster doses for adults aged 50 and above and long-term care residents aged 18 and up.

The CDC said other Americans who do not fall under the two categories may get their booster shots “based on their individual risks and benefits.”

Fauci redefines the term “fully vaccinated”

Back in September, Fauci argued that two vaccine doses will no longer suffice for full vaccination. He said during a White House briefing that month that three COVID-19 vaccine doses would be the standard for fully vaccinated individuals.

“I would not at all be surprised that the adequate, full regimen for vaccination will likely be three doses,” Fauci said. He continued that the protection from COVID-19 after a third booster dose was “dramatic” and “durable.” (Related: Fauci: Three shots will be the new standard for a full coronavirus vaccination)

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