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What is Happening at UMass Amherst?

Unmasked Students at UMass Amherst

What is happening at University of Massachusetts Amherst and at other higher education institutions across America in 2021?

Administrators have turned many of these institutions into overpriced, ivory towered, socially engineered echo chambers – where all free-thinking and dissent goes to die – now overrun by COVID madness and nanny state quislings.

The parents of three UMass Amherst students spoke out recently on the draconian suspensions of each of their daughters for ‘violating COVID-19 health policy’ after they were spotted unmasked in a photo taken at an off-campus party in March.

The photo in question was unsurprisingly shared immediately with the school’s administration.

The three students were then ordered to leave campus, have not been able to finish the term online, and haven’t yet been refunded any of their tuition.

It’s become ‘no mask, no education’ at this east coast university. What’s next?


Are Vaccine Passports the next ticket to tyranny? Find out more here and here.

READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID-19 Files




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