As a larger percentage of the population receives the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, it’s important to understand how this new development affects blood transfusions.
People who are vaccinated for COVID-19 can donate blood immediately or shortly after being vaccinated despite the fact that the experimental product may induce life-threatening disorders in the recipients. I asked several government agencies responsible for blood donation if we can have a choice to receive blood by non-COVID-19 vaccinated. The answer from all was NO.
Blood banks may or may not keep the records of whoever had COVID-19 vaccine. They don’t test the vaccinated blood for Spike proteins specifically – the most dangerous product of COVID-19 vaccination. In America they do test for antibodies which admit aren’t diagnostic tools (as I told you). In conclusion everyone can receive contaminated blood which can make her/him sick and has no choice to opt out! Tell me, if it isn’t crime against humanity, what is?
READ MORE VACCINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccine Files