Are Governments and Big Pharma playing Russian Roulette with the lives of the global population? What are the real risks posed by releasing a largely untested new range experimental COVID-19 vaccines into the general public?
A recent letter issued by former pharmaceutical and Gates Foundation vaccine designer Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is warning of the dangers of pushing a vaccine in the midst of a pandemic, and how those who are vaccinated with “leaky vaccines” become asymptomatic spreaders of a more virulent, vaccine-derived viral variant, and already these so-called ‘variants of concern’ are reportedly circulating in the very same countries where the corporate vaccine trials have taken place; UK, South Africa and Brazil. Coincidence? You decide. But know this: the risk posed to the world population by this scenario is unprecedented. Normally, such risks could be tested for over a 5 or 10 year vaccine trial study, but unfortunately for the public, such proper regulations and safety checks have been waved under the dubious “emergency authorization” degree issued by participating governments and their regulatory bodies.
In a recent episode of the UK Column News hosts Mike Robinson and Brian Gerrish analyze Dr. Vanden Bossche’s warning. Watch:
21WIRE Editors Note: While we disagree with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche believe that only vaccines can resolve the alleged ‘global pandemic’, this belief is not surprising considering his entire career has been spend in this field. However, whether or not he’s correct in assessment that current range of experimental COVID-19 vaccines are actually counter-productive and will enhance, not lower, virulent infections – will bear out soon enough. Hence, the validity of his warning on the vaccine roll-out will rest on the coming data and facts in the coming months.
See the full episode of UK Column News from March 17, 2021 here:
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