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Canadian University Developing New ‘Edible Vaccine’ for COVID-19

We’re told that a race to find a COVID-19 vaccine is well underway, led by software oligarch Bill Gates who is promising to provide 7 billion doses for every man, woman and child on the planet. Promises for a likely time frame have ranged from 3 months, to 18 months, to 3 years, depending on who’s talking.

With so many pharmaceutical firms and institutions receiving cash injections from governments, and with shareholders salivating over the potential profits, there is serious concern as to whether any rushed vaccine effort can be both safe or effective. Many experts agree there is a much higher risk of failure due to the fact that government regulators are allowing Big Pharma to skip animal trials and going straight to human trials – not allowing sufficient time to conduct long-term studies as to immune system reactions and health side effects of any new experimental product.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) itself has chosen its words carefully so as to not endorse or advocate for any particular vaccine project listed in its Vaccine Landscape document which lists all of the various programs globally. Throughout history, the Pharma industry has never been able to develop a workable coronavirus vaccine. WHO added this disclaimer its introduction:

“While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.”

To compound this, scientists in the UK are worried that there may be further delays in producing their new Covid-19 vaccine because not enough people in the UK are infected with it – a far cry from the media hysteria which claims we are in the midst of a “mass pandemic.”

On top of all this, there is an increasing public backlash to the idea of mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19.

With all of these problematic variables at play, Canadian researchers are now attempting to ease the process by creating an edible COVID vaccine. To achieve this, researchers are playing with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) by injecting the virus into different foods in order to see which host will provide to optimal delivery platform for an “edible” vaccine.

What could possibly go wrong?

CBC reports…

Eating your veggies isn’t only good for you — it may someday protect you against COVID-19.

That’s the hope of a plant biologist at the University of Ottawa who’s working to create an edible vaccine for the novel coronavirus.

Allyson MacLean’s research involves injecting tomato, potato and lettuce plants with a tiny particle of viral DNA swimming in a bacterial solution.

“We take a syringe that does not have a needle point. You press it up against the large leaf … and you basically push … the bacteria into the plant tissues,” said MacLean, 41, an assistant professor of plant biology.

The bacteria piggyback that DNA into the plant, which triggers the production of viral proteins. Eating the plant allows these proteins to pass through the digestive system, where they’re taken up by special cells in the gut, stimulating a type of immunity.

It’s called “mucosal immunity,” and it’s of particular interest to the scientists currently joined in battle with COVID-19 because the virus that causes the disease, SARS-CoV-2, enters the body via the mucosal surface of the respiratory system.

Rooted in nature

MacLean has spent a decade researching symbiosis in nature, specifically how microbes and plants co-exist. One of the most common microbes is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which lives in soil and naturally latches onto plants.

“It finds a wound in the plant and it gets in there. It takes part of its DNA and injects it into a plant cell. It basically makes the plant cells grow tumours … that the bacteria can then use as a food source,” MacLean explained.

“People realized a few decades ago that this was going on in nature,” she said. “Somebody had the brilliant idea: OK, can we harness this as a way of making genetically modified organisms?”

In her current research to create an edible vaccine for COVID-19, MacLean is using “parts of the virus that other researchers believe will elicit a strong protective antibody response.” They’re catching a ride into the plant tissue on the back of her old friend Agrobacterium.

At this point in the research, MacLean is using a close relative of tobacco to determine the best way to make a plant express the viral proteins. Next stop, lettuce…

Continue this story at CBC

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