As the threat of COVID-19 quickly fades from foreground and the damage from governments’ experimental panic-driven ‘lockdown’ measures, some experts are now asking an important question: why do different countries achieve such vastly different results in terms of fatalities due to Coronavirus?
The answers to this question will undoubtedly destroy official claims that the COVID lockdown was somehow science-based, let alone justified.
As it turns out, a large percentage of the population were never susceptible to this virus.
In other words: the threat was completely overblown, and lockdown and social distancing policies have never been based in reality.
UnHerd reports…
Professor Karl Friston is a computer modelling expert, world-renowned for his contributions to neuroscience. He has been applying his “dynamic causal modelling” approach to the Covid-19 pandemic, and has reached some startling results.
– The differences between countries are not primarily down to government actions, but due to ‘intrinsic’ differences in the populations
– We don’t yet fully understand what is driving it, although there are theories ranging from levels of vitamin D to genetic differences
– In each country, there appears to be a portion of the population that is ‘not even in the game’
– that is, not susceptible to Covid-19. This varies hugely between countries
– In the UK, Professor Friston estimates that portion to be at least 50%, and probably more like 80%
– The similar mortality results between Sweden (no lockdown) and the UK (lockdown) are best explained by the fact that in reality there was no difference – the impact of the legal lockdown in Professor Friston’s models “literally goes away.”
This is a highly informative interview with UnHerd host Freddie Sayer and Professor Karl Friston. Watch:
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