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US State Attorneys General to Launch ‘Privacy and Antitrust’ Probe of Google

A group of more than 30 U.S. state attorneys general led by the state of Texas plan to launch an investigation into the activities of Alphabet Inc. subsidiary Google, “focused on the intersection of privacy and antitrust” according to a new Reuters report released on Tuesday.

Google’s business model depends on advertising revenue and its ability to track all user activity across all of its platforms – harvesting these data to control the flow of information.

In April of 2017, Google embarked on a massive effort to ‘cleanse’ their search engine results of content which Google’s executives believe should not be widely seen or read by billions of viewers across the globe. This was detailed most recently in a document dump of roughly 950 pages by a Google insider to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust division.

MANIPULATORS: Google is actively engaged in gaming and filtering your search results – to give you the version of reality they want.

Google’s censorship is not limited to ‘right wing’ or ‘pro-Trump’ information as has been widely reported by numerous conservative outlets. Google’s political censorship program has also buried content and redirected internet searches away from left-wing, progressive and anti-war websites, cutting the search traffic of leading alternative news outlets by well over 50 percent since Google’s information purge began.

Critics of Google are speaking out:

As Google continually works to control the public information space, this latest investigation should raise new questions about the practices of the Alphabet company and its executives.

Is this all for show? Or, will Google’s reign of digital tyranny actually be curbed? 

READ MORE GOOGLE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Google Files




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