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Supreme Court Allows Trump to Use $2.5 Billion in Pentagon Funds for Border Wall

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court in favor of the Trump administration to use $2.5 billion in Department of Defense funds for the construction of parts of a border wall along parts of the US southwestern border.

Republican lawmakers have argued that open areas along key stretches of the southern border pose a threat to national security, while leading Democrats have argued that such a border wall is “un-American”.

The Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 vote that the President can legally divert Pentagon funding in order to build part of the proposed wall. According to The Slate:

“Even though the ruling was only one paragraph long, the conservative justices hinted pretty clearly they would likely side with the administration in the future by saying that those challenging the White House use of the funds didn’t seem to have a right to do so. On the opposite end, three of the four more liberal justices on the court—Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan—said they would have blocked the funds for now. Justice Stephen Breyer, meanwhile, said he would have allowed preparatory work but not actual construction that would be difficult to undo if the White House lost the case further down the line.”

Watch this CBS Los Angeles video report:

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