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The Trials & Tribulations of Tony Blair: UK Column News – July 7, 2016

21st Century Wire says…

Deconstructing the establishment’s faux media show trial of war criminal Tony Blair on yesterday morning’s UK Column News.

UK Column News anchor Brian Gerrish and guest co-host Patrick Henningsen are joined by Mark Anderson from American Free Press, discussing the recent release of the whitewash that is the Chilcot Report, designed to obscure the lies, the WMD fantasy, and deception of former British PM and now multimillionaire, Tony Blair, along with his accomplices who conspired to take the UK, and leading the US and other ‘Coalition’ members into an undeclared, illegal war of aggression and invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well how Hillary Clinton is tied to the same international forces that sponsored the Iraq War fraud.

START UK Column apologises to Iraqis on behalf of the UK
4:49 Arch-villain & insane serial killer – Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
6:57 Quotes from the corpse-king himself & fake portrayals of remorse
11:42 Deafening silence over the elephant in the room, Dr. David Kelly
14:25 A dossier, suicide, lies : what it takes to orchestrate an unjust war
17:38 Scuds & yellow cake uranium – real CIA agent outed for revenge
22:24 The Blair-Murdoch collaboration talks in the run up to the War
25:12 Lord Butler & exaggerations of a PM who believed his own lies
28:31 The Hard Realities of U.S. Aid to Israel – journalist Alison Weir
34:15 Presidential candidate the absolute psychopath Hillary Clinton.
37:53 The Zionist power-configuration that drives U.S. foreign policy
39:27 Lord Goldsmith & the secret legal advice for sociopathic Blair
43:41 War justified via absurdist infographic ‘Winnebagos of Death.’
49:28 Systematic fabrications of evidence from the mandarins of evil
51:02 “That’s why these people have got to live in their own reality.”


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