21st Century Wire says…
Last night, the votes were tallied, and based on the results, a free and independent Catalan may be fast approaching.
Catalan’s pro-independence parties won a collective victory last night, winning an absolute majority in local elections. Many believe this was a defacto referendum for secession.
Since independence has been looking more like a reality, the threats from Spain’s establishment and also from Brussels, have been almost non-stop. Among the threats leveled against a newly independent Catalonia:
– Central bank in Madrid warned there would be a run on the bank
– Catalan will be kicked out of the Eurozone
– Catalan will be kicked out of the EU
To add insult to perceived injury, the Spanish football Association have warned that a Catalan exit would mean that League Champions Barcelona FC would be kicked of the famed La Liga.
Spain’s general election will be held at the end of this year. Experts are now asking: will the momentum and impact of today’s result sustain all the way to the general election?
“We won,” proclaimed popular Catalonia leader Artur Mas, told crowds at their victory rally in Barcelona. “Today was a double victory – the yes side won, as did democracy,” he said.
After the Spanish government blocked him from holding a straight referendum on secession, Mas characterized Sunday’s landmark vote as a regional mandate – and one which will only heighten its tensions with Madrid and banking technocrats in Brussels.
READ MORE CATALAN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Catalan Files