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Does This Prove There Was Ancient Life On Mars?

Fact Fiction Theory
21st Century Wire says…

The red planet has always sparked human fascination, and this discovery may mean that we were right to be intrigued.

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Readings from Martian rovers have found that the red planet’s crust contains traces of the gemstone opal, which have now been confirmed by the stone’s presence in a Martian meteorite which landed in Egypt over a century ago in 1911.

Opal is created when water interacts with silica, and water usually means one thing – life.

The Red Planet. (Photo credit: Niko Lang)

A Glasgow University scientist Martin Lee said of his study in the Meteoritics and Planetary Science journal ‘that on Earth opals like these are often formed in and around hot springs. Microbial life thrives in these conditions, and opal can trap and preserve these microbes for millions of years’.

Moreover, Lee said that ‘if Martian microbes existed, it’s possible they too may be preserved in opal deposits on the surface of Mars. Closer study of Martian opals by future missions to Mars could well help us learn more about the planet’s past and whether it once held life’.

The surface of Mars. (Photo credit: NASA)

This means that future research on the surface of Mars could focus upon the study of opal deposits, opening up the possibility of finding hard evidence of alien life right here in our very own solar system.

Crop circles were recently discovered in Russia, and earlier in the year evidence of alien seeding on our on planet was discovered by scientists. Adding further to the mysteries we have on our own planet, 3.3 millions year old stone tools were just found in Kenya and it is believed that the pyramids are aligned with the Belt of Orion.

Do you think there was ever life on Mars?

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Opal discovery on Mars may be key to proving ancient life on Red Planet


Researchers have discovered traces of opal on Mars, leading them to believe it may help prove that the Red Planet was once home to life. The gemstone was discovered in a Martian meteorite, which fell to Earth in 1911.

The opal was discovered by Glasgow University earth scientist Martin Lee and his team while examining the Nakhla meteorite, which fell from Mars to Egypt over a century ago.

After studying the space rock with a scanning electron microscope, the researchers found trace amounts of the gemstone, confirming readings from Martian rovers that opal indeed exists in the Red Planet’s crust.

The gemstone was likely created by the interaction of water with silica. It is the first time that a piece of Mars on Earth has been found to contain opal.

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