Editor’s Note: Just when you thought you’d seen the last of Jewish actor Adam Pearlman aka “Adam Yahiye Gadahn”, the grandson of ADL founder Carl Pearlman, he has landed a leading role in the ADL’s latest national long-range advertising push to ban gun ownership in the US. Mayors Against Illegal Gun Ownership have outsourced the scary bits for their TV ad series to the CIA’s ‘al-Qaeda media division’, As-Sahab, who managed to produce this slick looking video clip of Pearlman pretending to be the new boogeyman plotting to savage innocent Americans.
What’s most amazing about all of this is that there are still millions of Americans who will perceive this advert as authentic and come away believing that Adam Pearlman, an American Jew and Israeli MOSSAD operative- is really some sort of “Al Qaeda spokesman”. As if the CIA and MI6-created Al Qaeda has either ‘spokesmen’ or a ‘media arm’.
Job done. The US should really be lamenting that they have become a nation of neurotic, pill-popping TV addicts. Only a medicated population could swallow the Adam Pearlman Show. Poor Americans.
Mayor Bloomberg Remixes al-Qaeda Video to Push Gun Control Effort
Kurt Nimmo
June 30, 2011
New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched an ad campaign portraying entirely legal gun shows as a venue exploited by terrorists to obtain firearms.
Jewish Actor Pearlman is toted by US establishment as a real Al Qaeda spokesman.
Not long ago, Bloomberg shamelessly exploited the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffordsby a mentally ill Jared Lee Loughner to push a firearms background check scheme.
Now he is exploiting a video featuring Adam Gadahn, said to head up al-Qaeda’s Sahab media wing. Earlier this month, Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman from California, called for Muslims to buy guns and kill Americans. In the video, Gadahn makes the absurd claim that automatic weapons can be purchased at gun shows.
“Criminals already know how to take advantage of gaps in our gun laws, and now Al Qaeda knows, too. Americans, including N.R.A. members, overwhelmingly support stronger laws to keep guns away from terrorists and other dangerous people,” Bloomberg said in a statement.

ASPIRING ACTOR: Aspiring teenaged actor Pearlman got the chance to put his acting skills to use for the CIA and the ADL.
He paid for the ads out of his own pocket. Media buyers estimate he shelled out between $200,000 and$250,000 for the ads, according to the New York Times.
Bloomberg’s highly deceptive ad mixes in footage taken by his undercover operatives at gun shows in 2009, thus giving the impression that terrorists are buying fully automatic weapons from legal gun vendors. The ad urges viewers to contact their members of Congress to approve legislation that would further close down the right to purchase and own a firearm without government permission.
“The mayors’ ad is running on national cable news programs this week,” reports the Mayors Against Illegal Guns website. “It urges Congress to pass the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 and the Denying Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2011, bills pending that would close the loopholes Al Qaeda publicized. “
In May of 2007, then congressman from Illinois, Rahm Emanuel, used a Stand Up For a Safe America event sponsored by the Brady Center to call for denying the Second Amendment to citizens who end up on the terrorist no-fly list.
That same year the Inspector General of the Justice Department reported that the Terrorist Screening Center – the FBI-administered organization that consolidates terrorist watch list information in the United States – had over 700,000 names in its database. The list was growing by an average of over 20,000 records per month at the time.
Emanuel is now mayor of the one of the most Second Amendment unfriendly cities in America, Chicago.
Deceptive ADL anti-gun advert that attempts to skew public opinion on the Second Amendment.
In 2010, Bloomberg produced a television ad exploiting the Columbine murders and placing the blame for the crime on gun show vendors instead of the perpetrators, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.