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Major US Military Drill to Simulate ‘Unconventional Guerilla Warfare’ in North Carolina, South Carolina

RT International | US residents are being warned to expect ‘mock live fire’ combat and realistic counter insurgency operations.

South Carolina Debate Attended by Elite ‘Sponsors’, Featured Syria War Propaganda

21WIRE | At least television viewers did not have to spend lots of cash to watch the debate.

Ugly America: Paranoid of Syrian Refugees, South Carolina Residents Call For ‘Religious Purity’ in US

21WIRE | Those who claim to be ‘constitutionalists’ are no more than corrupt clerics of their own self-styled new religion.

Israel Lobby launch new Super PAC effort to bring down Ron Paul

Patrick Henningsen | Texas Congressman and GOP candidate Ron Paul has been targeted by a new breed of PAC – this time with foreign backing.

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