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Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Maricopa County ‘Election Irregularities’

Zero Hedge | Officials are now demanding that evidence be turned over before the final vote certification on Nov. 28th.

US Midterms Analysis: The Aftermath

Patrick Henningsen | Election results: what it means so far, and who holds the power now in DC.

Fox News Pundit Claims Election was ‘Searing Indictment’ of GOP, as Red Wave Failed to Materialize

21WIRE | Pundits now trying top figure out why the ‘Red Wave’ did not arrive on Nov. 8th.

Arizona: Democrat-run Elections Descend Into Turmoil As Voting Machines Mysteriously Malfunction

21WIRE | Voting got off to a very bad start this morning in Arizona’s largest region, Maricopa County.

U.S. Midterms Heating Up: Tulsi, Kari Lake and Biden

21WIRE | US midterm elections are fast approaching with Arizona taking the national spotlight as the major battleground state.

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