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The Big Lie: ‘How to Enslave the World’

In March 2020, under the guise of a ‘global pandemic,’ world governments threw caution to the wind and collectively embarked on an audacious plan to transform their societies by rapidly phasing out democratic principles, human rights and freedoms. The results have been catastrophic and will likely reverberate for a generation.

More shocking though, is how elites in government continue to double-down on the same bevy of lies, wild fabrications, and ever-evolving pseudo ‘science’ that caused the economic and constitutional collapse during the last 18 months.

This is an important lesson of history: just how totalitarianism – if allowed a firm and comfortable foothold in the affairs of state, will not willingly relinquish its newfound powers over the people.

How can moral and enlightened citizens drive-out such a pernicious socio-political epidemic from society?

Academy of Ideas delivers this short presentation entitled, “The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World.” Watch: 

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