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Australia: In 2021, Vaccine Blood Clots More Deadly Than COVID

Top medical officials are urging Australians to “not delay” getting their COVID vaccinations, reiterating how the risk of death from the virus outweighs rare jab side effects. This message is being relayed despite the fact vaccine blood clotting has been linked to more deaths than COVID-19 in Australia in 2021.

Ethan Nash at TOTT News in Australia reports…

Australia’s top medical official has urged countrymen who received an AstraZeneca vaccine to “not delay” getting the second dose – even though the vaccine has been linked to more deaths than COVID in Australia this year.

Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, after a National Cabinet meeting, also reiterated the benefits of vaccination and urged Australians to remain vigilant for symptoms of COVID-19.

He told Australia that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in fighting the COVID-19 risk “far outweigh” the risks of dying from a rare blood clotting syndrome.

However, the statistics show a different story at the present date:

Two women in Australia have died of blood clots so far. These two deaths are included as a part of a total number of 40+ confirmed and ‘probable’ cases of blood clotting.

However, reports reveal to us that the only COVID death this year was an 80-year-old traveller who died in April, after being diagnosed in hotel quarantine. Almost three months ago.

Please see the following statistics below that highlight Australia’s low COVID death rate:

GRAPH: As of July 5th, only one death from COVID in 2021 (Source: Worldometer)

GRAPHS: Current COVID death count (Source: Worldometers)


These statistics beg the ultimate question: Does the risk of the virus “far outweigh” jab side effects?

Well, this depends on understanding the current risk from the virus itself.

Of course, the low coronavirus death count in Australia will be attributed to mask wearing, social distancing, snap lockdowns and other ‘COVID Safe’ measures.

However, if there is currently an inferred 50% higher chance of death (1:2) from COVID-19 because of rare vaccine complications, versus the safety of using existing measures, shouldn’t those who don’t want to be jabbed be given the choice between getting the dose OR continuing measures?

Why the mass coercion if existing guidelines are just as effective — if not more — at prevention?

Furthermore, let’s even go off the mainstream narrative here:

If it is claimed that vaccines don’t actually 100% protect you from COVID (rather shield you from ‘severe symptoms’), doesn’t this also infer guidelines are better in the long-term?

What is the point of vaccines if fully-vaccinated residents were still subject to recent lockdowns?

The statistics show more people have died from the vaccine under the current circumstances. Meaning, the current circumstances are effective and justify opposition to vaccine risks.

Although it is rare to get a blood clot, the chance of dying from the virus when following precautions is even rarer.

It seems even Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young, agrees with this premise:

In addition, if a deadly virus is on the loose, forever changing into new variants and dodging immunisation schedules in years to come, wouldn’t the safest bet be to shape the current direction?

Certain measures for the vulnerable, while the mostly (not at risk) society returns to normal?

Shouldn’t this fact alone call for a change in existing safety measures?

Let’s not forget that coronavirus spikes are occurring in 80% of the world’s most vaccinated countries, adding further weight that vaccines are not the way back to normality.

Thus, the notion that ‘lockdowns will end when we are all vaccinated’ is fallible.

Let’s focus on: ‘lockdowns will end when…’ *insert a new approach without vaccines here*.

These are just a few of many points that need to be asked, but the media never raise them.

I’m not a proponent of lockdown measures, but if this is a strong discussion point to raise with the average Australian in relation to the efficacy of the vaccine, I think it is important to note.

Once they figure out the vaccine isn’t the ‘way out’, or more broadly that there is no end to this new-age of perpetual warfare, the measures themselves will begin to crumble in suit.

The main points of this article have also been made as a short presentation to share!

Ethan Nash is the editor of TOTT News in Australia. Also, join in for more discussion with TOTT News on their Discord server.

READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID Files




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