As the Russian special operation in Ukraine enters its third month of military action, it appears that Zelensky and the fascists in charge of Ukraine have some new supporters.
Fra Hughes
Al Mayadeen
As the Russian special operation continues in Ukraine, now entering its third month of military action, it appears that Zelensky and the fascists in charge of Ukraine have some new supporters.
As the remnants of the Azov Battalion hide in the underground bunkers of Mariupol, reminiscent of the fall of the Reichstag, cowering in the dark from the Russian army and the people’s forces of Donbass, while clinging onto to their Nazi regalia to keep them warm, an unlikely defender of Ukrainian fascism may have come forward.
Communications have come to light that may show that the Swedish government has sent a massive amount of modern lethal aid to Ukraine.
A country that is non-aligned to NATO, which professes to have the right to stay neutral in any NATO conflict or indeed any conflict to which it is not a party, may have sent up to 5000 anti-tank missiles and 3 million rounds of armor-piercing bullets and tracer rounds.
These bullets may be in contravention of international law.
I wonder if the Swedish people are aware of the actions of their government.
One of the communications unveiled quite clearly that the Swedish government does not want the Ukraine government to publicly acknowledge its acceptance of these deadly weapons, which were dispatched on March 25, 2022, one day after the Swedish Parliament confirmed it would send aid to Ukraine.
SEE ALSO: Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine?
There are many military weapons manufactured by both private arms companies and governments, which are in contravention of international law and or the Geneva convention.
Examples include depleted uranium which is used in ammunition that remains radioactive for decades. The American army used these munitions in Fallujah (Iraq), leading to severe birth abnormalities among the local population.
Air to ground missiles and bombs containing phosphorous are also banned under international law. They burn their victims with excruciating pain leading to a horrible death or life-changing injuries.
“Israel” used phosphorous bombs too against Gaza on very many occasions. I believe the armor-piercing bullets and tracer rounds supplied by Sweden to Ukraine may contravene the rules of engagement governing armed conflicts.
As an Irishman, I have watched the pro-EU, pro-NATO warmongers in government here push for sending military aid to Ukraine which I believe would be a gross violation of Irish neutrality.
Ireland is a neutral country.
As a people oppressed for over 800 years by the British Empire, I demand that Ireland maintains its neutrality and does not oppress nor help to oppress other nations.
Is Sweden a neutral country or not?
While elements of the Swedish government may wish to join NATO, a national referendum is required to do so. In the meantime, Sweden must stop prolonging the conflict. It must cease and desist from supplying more arms and ammunition which will further destabilize Ukraine
It might bring aid and succor to a fascist regime, but it will also lead to countless more unnecessary deaths and the extension of a war that Ukraine has already lost.
Is it palatable to ask are there sections of the Swedish government or Swedish society that support neo-Nazism and those who represent it in Ukraine?
From where I am sitting, this seems very much to be the case.
This story was originally published at Al Mayadeen.
READ MORE UKRAINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ukraine Files

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