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Vaccine Mandate: Joe Biden Mocks Calls for ‘Freedom’ at Town Hall

There seems to be no limit to how far the current US Administration will sink in its attempt to defend its authoritarian medical decrees. 

During CNN’s bizarre Town Hall TV event, host Anderson Cooper asked President Joe Biden what he thought about any federal employees or emergency responders refusing to comply with federal and city vaccine mandates.

Biden then mocked vaccine skeptics, as he joked, “I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID…. “Come on!”

Biden then claimed that the number one threat to American lives was “gross misinformation” from ‘anti-vaxxer’ activists supposedly using vaccines as a “political freedom issue.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) discusses CNN’s pre-rehearsed Town Hall, and President Biden’s crass attack against Americans daring to raise concerns about infringements on constitutional freedoms regarding his federal vaccine mandates. Watch: 

READ MORE VACCINES NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccines Files




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