Editor’s Note: This independent panel comprises of charter members of Great Barrington Declaration who deliver an extremely coherent and comprehensive analysis on why lockdowns have been a global failure, as well as an informative presentation on the issue of natural herd immunity, mask mandates and the latest government and media craze over ‘variants.’ However, in general, these panel members are uncritical of their governments’ rushed, deregulated roll-out of the experimental range Covid-19 vaccines. In fact, most panel members are advocating mass vaccinations without much consideration for the risks and harms done to individuals’ health. Although, many on the panel are critical the aggressive push for vaccine passports by governments, media and Big Tech.
Concerned Ontario Doctors’ Covid-19 Summit – World Eminent Professors on Canada’s Covid-19 Response: “The Harms of Lockdowns, The Dangers of Censorship, And A Path Forward.”
•Opening/Closing Address: Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill, MD, FRCPC President and Co-Founder of Concerned Ontario Doctors, Frontline Physician
•Moderator: Dr. Richard Schabas, MD, MSHC, FRCPC Former Chief Medical Officer of Health for Province of Ontario, Retired Physician
– Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PHD Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Physician, Infectious Disease Epidemiologist
– Dr. Sunetra Gupta, PHD Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at University of Oxford
– Dr. Martin Kulldorff, PHD Professor of Medicine at Harvard University, Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Biostatistician
Watch this informative discussion:
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