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‘Pandemic Duffer’ Fauci Floats Idea of Mask Wearing Into 2022

Fauci doubled-up on masks during last Thursday's coronavirus task force press conference.
Fauci doubled up on masks during last Thursday’s coronavirus task force press conference.

Appearing this past Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Dana Bash, when asked about mask wearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci floated out the prospect of wearing them into the year 2022.

This type of performance is nothing new for Fauci, who’s enjoyed lording over the American public for the last year while regularly appearing on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.

Fauci also recently told a national television audience that wearing two masks is better than one.

If Fauci’s COVID doublespeak sounds more and more like a compromised career politician every time he opens his mouth, that’s because the American people pay him over $400,000 per year in salary — making him the highest paid federal employee.

Big Pharma’s top government insider told Bash masking up into 2022 all depends on what ‘normality’ means, before making his customary plug for more vaccinations.

Watch as the ‘pandemic duffer’ himself talks in circles:

Fauci’s latest comments further nudging the public on mask wearing are in stark contrast to the actual direction the reported numbers are headed – cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to decline across the country – even as flawed as the reporting has been for months.

READ MORE COVID NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COVID-19 Files




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